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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
26CarteMAR10.1.2Marsilius of InghenQuaestiones super quattuor Sententiarum, vol. 2: Super primum, quaestiones 8-21da
27CarteMCE1.2McEvoy, JamesMystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De Mystica Theologiada
28CarteMON6.1Mondin, BattistaIl sistema Filosofico di Tomasso D'aquinoda
29CartePAN2.1Paniagua, David; Sanz, Adelaida Andres (eds.)Formaas de Acceso al Saber en la Antiguedad Tardia y la Alta Edad Media. La Transmision del Conocimiento dendro y fuera de la Escuela da
30CarteRAW1.1Beryl RawsonA companion to families in the Greek and Roman worldsnu
31CarteRED1.1Sitta von RedenExchange in Ancient Greceda
32CarteSAL2.4Johannes SaresberiensisPolicraticus, I-IVda
33CarteSEA1.1Seaford, Richard Reciprocity an Ritual. Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-Stateda
34CarteSTR4.1Struck, Peter T. Divination and Human Nature. A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquityda
35CarteTHO1.2.3Toma din AquinoSumma theologica IIIda